Earthship Vol3: Evolution Beyond Economics - Michael Reynolds

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

After the first two volumes, here is even more detail about Earthships, even more improvements, and excursions into related topics such as urban applications and the legal structure behind Earthship communities.

The details..

In Evolution Beyond Economics Michael Reynolds presents an alternative solution to the current global situation. Politics, economies and religions are failing to provide solutions for joblessness, homelessness and poverty among other issues affecting humanity. This book proposes that we abandon our dependence on economics as it currently exists by focusing instead on providing everyone with their basic necessities of life: Shelter, Energy Food Water Air.

The author suggests that education should be aimed at this goal along with religion and politics guiding us towards transcending economic dinosaurism. We need to develop systems independent of money so that every adult human can have access to them without being enslaved by the economy or any other institution.

One such system proposed in this book is called Earthship - a vessel available to all which independently provides its inhabitants with everything they need for survival beyond economics including shelter made from natural materials like mud brick walls; energy generated through solar panels; food grown using hydroponics techniques; water collected from rainwater harvesting systems installed throughout each structure's roof area plus indoor contained grey water absorbing tanks designed specifically not only collect but also filter out impurities before releasing into soil outside building perimeter walls where plants grow naturally due high nutrient content provided by organic matter found within these same soils themselves!

This third volume of Earthship series includes new components concepts like thermal mass refrigerator solar toilet oven distiller electric cooktop straw bale temporary structures retrofitting cracker box exploring community urban ideas climatic site adaptations aire building code dome pods recycled areas little wood new generics etc., making it an essential read for anyone interested in sustainable living practices.

Resource Info

Page count: 272
Size: 188355kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills